Sunday, July 18, 2010

Review: Inception

This review will be fairly short because I think Inception is something people should see for themselves with little to no prior knowledge. To spoil any of the story or try to sum it up in a few paragraphs would be doing the film a disservice. While I have been excited to see this film since I first heard about it a few years ago, I did my best to avoid any mentions of the story or plot since then, and haven't seen any footage of the film other than the original trailer. I went in with blind faith (something I usually don't do) that Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Dark Knight) and Leonardo DiCaprio would create a compelling piece of work. Not only did Inception not disappoint, it far surpassed any hopes I had for it.

A lot of people are comparing Inception to The Matrix (my all-time favorite film), in terms of it being a thought provoking, cerebral movie with blockbuster action sequences. Though this comparison does bare merit, Inception itself is a fresh, original take on a relatively unexplored concept. The thing that both films do well is keeping the viewer completely enthralled through the entirety of its duration, while engaging the mind though out. Unlike many summer blockbusters which are often labeled as having "mindless action", the action sequences serve a purpose and never feel over the top or unnecessary towards the overall plot. Another area where Inception sets itself apart is with its strong overall performances from the ensemble cast that holds up to the weighty script, which is an impressive feat. It would have been easy for the story to overshadow the actors, but they do a great job of establishing the characters in this complexly imagined world. While DiCaprio will (deservedly) receive a lot of praise for his work in this film, the rest of the cast ably matches him, with strong performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, and Tom Hardy in particular.

The biggest praise I can give Inception is that it's the first film in a long time that left my thinking, analyzing, and discussing it with other people long after it was over. Not only that, but I feel like I need to see it again, and soon, in order to better understand and grasp the story - not because it's confusing, but because it's so intricate and well thought out that I feel it deserves a second viewing. And I would recommend for anyone interested to go and check out for themselves, as my praise alone can't do it justice.


  1. Great review! This was a 5/6 star-movie for me, simply because i felt there was something lacking in the "emotional" part of the movie (the story between Mal and Dom in particular). Other than that, I fully agree with all that you were saying. Great acting and the action didn't feel over the top. Other than that I loved the Cinematography and the music. Hans Zimmer can never go wrong : )

  2. Thanks! I know what you mean, I wasn't as emotionally invested in the storyline of Dom & Mal as I was in the overall story and them completing the mission. But I agree, the cinematography & music were beautiful, the size and scope of the dream worlds were just amazing!
